Announcing the 76th Annual Columbia Community Service Appeal

Editor's note:

The following is a letter sent from the presidents of Columbia, Barnard, and Teachers College to the university community.

November 01, 2022

Dear fellow members of the University community:

We write, as we do every fall, to ask for your help in supporting our neighbors in Upper Manhattan through Columbia Community Service (CCS). For over seven decades, your CCS donations have gone to nonprofits providing health, social, and education services to local residents in need. We offer our thanks to all who have contributed over the years and ask those who have not participated to consider a donation of any amount if they are able.

Two of us—President Lee C. Bollinger and President Sian Leah Beilock—are celebrating our final years of official service to CCS. We are proud to share that in the two decades since President Bollinger took office, CCS has raised more than $6 million in donations from our university community.

Last year, hundreds of Columbia, Barnard, and Teachers College faculty, staff, and retirees collectively raised more than $400,000 for the 75th Annual Appeal, our most successful campaign to date. We are thrilled by this level of participation and by the fact that 100 percent of your donations go directly to our community partners. The funds were distributed as grants to 61 organizations across Morningside Heights and Harlem, including 11 first-time grantees:

  • $71,000 awarded to seven organizations offering meals and food
  • $45,862 awarded to nine organizations supporting the arts and arts education
  • $150,500 awarded to 24 organizations providing educational support for K-12 students
  • $132,900 awarded to 21 organizations offering health and social services to vulnerable and in-need populations

Our goal with this letter, the 76th Annual Appeal, is to set a record for donations at a moment of great need for our neighbors. As we wrote at the outset, Columbia Community Service supports local organizations combating hunger, offering educational enrichment, and providing social and health services. None of this work would be possible without the ongoing commitment of our university community. You can donate to the Annual Appeal and find more information on the CCS website. Even small donations can truly make a difference.


Lee C. Bollinger
CCS Chair
President, Columbia University

Sian Leah Beilock
CCS Co-Chair
President, Barnard College

Thomas R. Bailey
CCS Co-Chair
President, Teachers College